Open this script in Script Editor

-- Written by Gabriel Serafini -

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 543 Howard Street, 5th Floor, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

this should not be needed if / when the lesson is released as a free
downloadable mp3, preferrably in an rss feed that can be subscribed to
this is recording something that is already being made free of charge

if you are the CSPS, please make the lesson available for free so that
it can bless all mankind. Thank you! :)

To do:
* Add suitable error messages if you don't have the correct apps installed
* Test on different OS versions, general QA on machines other than mine
* Add appropriate album cover artwork to track
* Add indicator for time remaining, possibly using Growl

set scriptName to "Bible Lesson to MP3 Recorder Script"
set scriptVersion to "1.6"
set scriptAuthor to "Gabriel Serafini -"

set showDialogs to true -- set to false if you want no dialog command line version, useful for cron jobs...
set speakOn to false -- set to false if you're not interested in audio feedback

set includeDatestampInTitle to true -- set this to false if you don't want the YYYYMMDD included in the title of the track
set deleteSourceMP3FileAfterImport to true -- set to false if you don't want the Audio Recorder mp3 file to be deleted after it is copied into iTunes

set streamURL to "" -- URL to Real Player file
set recordingTime to 1731 -- (1711 = 28:31 in seconds (the length of each lesson) + some extra if it takes a little longer to buffer - this gives up to 20 seconds before the end will start to get cut off)
set normalBufferingTime to 2 -- average time before clip finishes buffering (wait this long before beginning to record) (shorter time will likely result in silence at beginning of track, longer times result in the beginning of the recording being cut off)

Track ID3 tag information
set trackArtist to "Christian Science Publishing Society"
set trackComposer to "Christian Science Publishing Society"
set trackAlbum to "Bible Lesson"
set trackGenre to "Bible Lesson"

set scriptHomeURL to ""
set openingDialog to scriptName & return & "Version " & scriptVersion & return & return & "This script records the Christian Science Bible Lesson from to mp3 format and adds it to your iTunes. It takes approximately 29 minutes. You will not be able to hear it as it is recorded." & return & return & "Note, the timings in this script are optimized for a broadband connection and fairly fast computer. You may experience some silence at the beginning or end of your recording." & return & return & "Turn helper voice on or off?"
set instructionText to "Instructions:" & return & return & "1. Make sure you have the required applications installed. Click Setup if you need help." & return & return & "2. Click OK to begin." & return & return & return & "This was made by Gabriel Serafini" & return & "" & return & return
thanksText to "Thanks for using " & scriptName & "!" & return & return
UIscriptingWarning to "You must have UI Scripting turned on in order to automatically switch on Soundflower and turn it back off. Click 'Open System Preferences'then click the checkbox next to 'Enable access for assistive devices', or click 'Continue anyways' if you already have your audio settings the way you want them, or click 'Quit'."

set gotOriginalOutputSettings to false -- initialize original settings
set gotOriginalInputSettings to false -- initialize original settings
set trackAddedOK to false -- this gets set to true once file has been added to itunes

global scriptName, scriptVersion, scriptHomeURL, scriptAuthor, showDialogs, instructionText, thanksText, streamURL, recordingTime, normalBufferingTime, trackArtist, trackComposer, trackAlbum, trackGenre, includeDatestampInTitle, deleteSourceMP3FileAfterImport, gotOriginalOutputSettings, gotOriginalInputSettings, originalSelectedOutputRow, theOutputRows, originalSelectedInputRow, theInputRows, UIscriptingWarning, playTrack, speakOn, openingDialog, this_track, trackAddedOK

Begin script
if showDialogs then
    -- or just operate quietly
end if

display dialog openingDialog buttons {"Voice On", "Voice Off", "Quit"} default button 1 with icon note
    if the button returned of the result is
"Voice On" then
speakOn to true
    else if the button returned of the result is
"Voice Off" then
speakOn to false
speakOn to false
    end if
speakOn then say "Welcome to " & scriptName & " version " & scriptVersion & ". Click Enter or the \"Begin Recording\" button to begin record process, \"Setup\" button for instructions about required applications or the \"Quit\" button to exit."
display dialog instructionText buttons {"Begin Recording", "Setup", "Quit"} default button 1 with icon note
    if the button returned of the result is
"Quit" then
    else if the button returned of the result is
"Setup" then
tell application "Safari"
            make new document at end of documents
            set URL of document
1 to scriptHomeURL
end tell

end if

call this with state set to "soundflower" to turn on Soundflower (2ch) for both
input and output devices. Call again with "original" or "" to return to original
settings. It is a requirement that user has 'Enable access for assistive devices'
selected in System Preferences > Universal Access for this to work
on toggleSoundPrefs(state)
tell application "System Preferences"
        set current pane to pane
tell application "System Events"
tell process "System Preferences"
set uiScripting to false
                    -- Select the Output tab in Sound preference panel
tell tab group 1 in window "Sound"
click radio button "Output"
end tell
gotOriginalOutputSettings is false then
                        -- Get current settings
set theOutputRows to every row of table 1 of scroll area 1 of tab group 1 of window "Sound"
repeat with aRow in theOutputRows
if aRow is selected then
originalSelectedOutputRow to (value of text field 1 of aRow as text)
global originalSelectedOutputRow
exit repeat
                            end if
                        end repeat
gotOriginalOutputSettings to true
                    end if
state is "soundflower" then
                        -- set Output device to Soundflower (2ch)
repeat with aRow in theOutputRows
if (value of text field 1 of aRow as text) is equal to "Soundflower (2ch)" then
                                set selected of
aRow to true
                                exit repeat
                            end if
                        end repeat
                        -- set back to original values
repeat with aRow in theOutputRows
if (value of text field 1 of aRow as text) is equal to originalSelectedOutputRow then
                                set selected of
aRow to true
                                exit repeat
                            end if
                        end repeat
                    end if

Select the Output tab in Sound preference panel
tell tab group 1 in window "Sound"
click radio button "Input"
end tell
gotOriginalInputSettings is false then
                        -- Get current settings
set theInputRows to every row of table 1 of scroll area 1 of tab group 1 of window "Sound"
repeat with aRow in theInputRows
if aRow is selected then
originalSelectedInputRow to (value of text field 1 of aRow as text)
global originalSelectedInputRow
exit repeat
                            end if
                        end repeat
gotOriginalInputSettings to true
                    end if
state is "soundflower" then
                        -- set Input device to Soundflower (2ch)
repeat with aRow in theInputRows
if (value of text field 1 of aRow as text) is equal to "Soundflower (2ch)" then
                                set selected of
aRow to true
                                exit repeat
                            end if
                        end repeat
                        -- set back to original values
repeat with aRow in theInputRows
if (value of text field 1 of aRow as text) is equal to originalSelectedInputRow then
                                set selected of
aRow to true
                                exit repeat
                            end if
                        end repeat
                    end if
uiScripting to true -- this confirms that UI scripting is turned on
end try
            end tell
        end tell
    end tell
uiScripting is false then
end if

on beginRecord()
if showDialogs and speakOn then say "Now we're going to change your system sound preferences to enable sound flower 2 channel mode. After this is done, Real Player and Audio Recorder will launch and the process will begin. This will take a total of about 29 minutes, during which time you will not hear anything. The recording will stop automatically."
tell application "RealPlayer" to activate
    tell application
"Audio Recorder" to activate
    tell application
open clip with URL streamURL
end tell
"Audio Recorder"
set the output format to MP3
        set the quality to voice
normalBufferingTime -- Real Player usually takes this long to buffer stream
start recording
fileLocation to current file path -- this will use the current default location set in the preferences for Audio Recorder
tell application "RealPlayer"
set clipTitle to clip title of player 0
end tell
recordingTime -- this is how long we want to record
stop recording
    end tell

        tell application
"Audio Recorder" to quit
    end try

        tell application
"RealPlayer" to quit
    end try

set sound prefs back to original
if showDialogs and speakOn then say "Your sound preferences have been restored to the way they were before. Now we are going to import the recorded mp3 into iTunes."
        tell application
"System Preferences" to quit
    end try
fileAlias to POSIX file fileLocation as alias
theDate to current date
yyyy to year of theDate
if includeDatestampInTitle is true then
        -- convert date to YYYYMMDD format
copy ((offset of (the month of (theDate)) in "jan feb mar apr may jun jul aug sep oct nov dec ") + 3) / 4 as integer to mo
if mo < 10 then copy "0" & mo as string to mo
copy day of (theDate) to da
if (day of (theDate) < 10) then copy "0" & da as string to da
copy (year of (theDate) as string) & mo & da to shortDate
set clipTitle to shortDate & " - " & clipTitle -- doing this so it lines up with other Bible Lessons in iTunes when sorted by Name
end if
"iTunes" to activate
    tell application
            -- add ID3 tags
set this_track to add fileAlias to playlist "Library" of source "Library"
set name of this_track to clipTitle
set artist of this_track to trackArtist
set composer of this_track to trackComposer
set album of this_track to trackAlbum
set genre of this_track to trackGenre
set year of this_track to yyyy
set comment of this_track to "Saved from, using \"" & scriptName & " version " & scriptVersion & "\" (written by " & scriptAuthor & ")" & return & return & "Info: " & scriptHomeURL
set trackAddedOK to true
        end try
    end tell
deleteSourceMP3FileAfterImport is true then
        tell application
delete fileAlias
end tell
    end if
end beginRecord

on displayUIscriptingWarning()
if showDialogs is true then
        display dialog
UIscriptingWarning buttons {"Open System Preferences", "Continue Anyways", "Quit"} default button 2 with icon warning
if the button returned of the result is "Quit" then
else if the button returned of the result is "Open System Preferences" then
            tell application
"System Preferences"
                set current pane to pane
end tell
end if
    end if

on displayThanks()
if showDialogs is true then
trackAddedOK then
            display dialog
thanksText buttons {"Play mp3 in iTunes and Exit", "Exit without playing"} default button 1
if the button returned of the result is "Play mp3 in iTunes and Exit" then
speakOn then say "Thanks. Your recording will begin playing now. Goodbye."
delay 2
tell application "iTunes"
and now play it
play this_track
end tell

speakOn then say "Thanks and goodbye!"
            end if
            display dialog
thanksText buttons {"Exit"} default button 1
if the button returned of the result is "Exit" then
speakOn then say "Thanks and goodbye!"
            end if
        end if
    end if