Gmaps Pedometer
Gmaps Pedometer So I guess that our regular dog-walk route is around 2 miles. Freaking sweet! (via del.icio.us/popular/) Link to share this: https://www.gabrielserafini.com/blog/2005/07/06/gmaps-pedometer/
Nifty Corners – creating nice rounded corners without graphics
Good article about how to create rounded corners without graphics. Cool! Check out especially the final example — it’s pretty neat. Nifty Corners Nifty Corners: rounded corners without images By Alessandro Fulciniti Rounded Corners with CSS are a hot topic in web design: I think that there are hundreds of articles on them. This page…
The Online Video Game Atlas – NES Maps
Every. Video Game. Map. EVAR. The Online Video Game Atlas – NES Maps World 1 Via Mefi Link to share this: https://www.gabrielserafini.com/blog/2005/03/18/the-online-video-game-atlas-nes-maps/
ex-Soviet Union Music (download Soviet-era mp3)
In Soviet Russia, all we had was mp3 to download… 🙂 ex-Soviet Union Music Better Mefi comment: in soviet union, blog downloads you (Via MetaFilter) More Soviet tunes and more This post goes out to my good friend Dmitri. Link to share this: https://www.gabrielserafini.com/blog/2005/03/03/ex-soviet-union-music-download-soviet-era-mp3/
i, robot by Cory Doctorow
i, robot by Cory Doctorow Arturo Icaza de Arana-Goldberg, Police Detective Third Grade, United North American Trading Sphere, Third District, Fourth Prefecture, Second Division (Parkdale) had had many adventures in his distinguished career, running crooks to ground with an unbeatable combination of instinct and unstinting devotion to duty. Read the rest at Infinite Matrix: http://infinitematrix.net/stories/shorts/i-robot.html…
Slashdot | Plausible Deniability From Rockstar Cryptographers
Slashdot | Plausible Deniability From Rockstar Cryptographers J. Karl Rove writes “Nikita Borisov and Ian Goldberg (of many, many other projects) have released Off the Record Messaging for Gaim. Encrypt an IM, prove (at the time) that it came from you, and deny it later. The authentication works only when the message is sent; anybody…
The machine will only count 3,000 votes. Why would you need more?
E-voting Woes Force New Election in N.C. County – Computerworld E-voting Woes Force New Election in N.C. County Touch-screen errors led to loss of 4,400 ballots News Story by Heather Havenstein DECEMBER 06, 2004 (COMPUTERWORLD) – Voters in one North Carolina county can return to the polls next month to recast ballots that were lost…
20Q.net – 20 questions AI
It took 29 questions to guess black cat. Pretty cool anyways, though. 🙂 20Q.net 20Q.net is an experiment in artificial intelligence. The program is very simple but its behavior is complex. Everything that it knows and all questions that it asks were entered by people playing this game. 20Q.net is a learning system; the more…
KRUCOFF’S TOP – 80’s Berkley punk tape side 1 side 2 mp3 compilation
KRUCOFF’S TOP TOP Music #1 V/A – “Lest We Forget” Berkeley Compilation Tape Re-release Date: 12/13/2004 “Lest We Forget” was originally compiled and released by Aaron Elliot of the acclaimed fanzine Cometbus (and drummer for Crimpshrine and Pinhead Gunpowder) in 1991 to document the Berkeley punk scene of the 80’s. I don’t want to be…
YMCK – Japanese Chiptune
YMCK first full album “FAMILY MUSIC” (full album edition) NEW! FAMILY MUSIC 3rd.Nov.2004 ON SALE! 12 tracks CD Full Album USG-008 2,250YEN(tax in) The new album of ymck will be out on the USAGI-CHANG RECORDS in 3rd November 2004. This album includes whole re mastered tracks from Family Music(CD-R edition), and also includes new songs…