How to locate your php.ini file
When you need to know where the php.ini configuration file is on your server, here is a handy way to find it: php -i | grep php.ini Give it a try. Link to share this: https://www.gabrielserafini.com/blog/2010/07/15/how-to-locate-your-php-ini-file/
How to fix 301 error when importing blog posts including images from a WordPress.com blog into a new WordPress.org blog
The current import script (as of WordPress 2.8.6) is broken when it comes to successfully importing images from WordPress.com. The error you see is something like Remote file error: Remote file returned error response 301 Moved Permanently Fixing this involves adding a couple of lines to a core WordPress file. Hopefully a future version of…
How to: Automatically add a default set of Custom Fields to each post in WordPress
One of the neat things about WordPress is how easy it is to add custom metadata to a given page or post that you can then use in a template to display structured information. I’ve been using this technique for a while now to extend the basic WordPress elements of title, body, excerpt, etc and…
How to connect to a VNC machine that is behind a firewall using SSH tunneling, OS X and Chicken of the VNC
VNC is a very useful program for accessing a computer remotely. These are instructions for accessing a remote machine using OS X, Chicken of the VNC, and Vine Server when there is a firewall in the way. Normally it is a fairly straightforward process to connect from a VNC client to a VNC server running…
Christian Science Cross and Crown logo – How to get a high-quality vector EPS or PDF version for use in your design comps
Let’s say, hypothetically, that you are a designer, and are working on a design comp for a Christian Science church or reading room, and you wanted a high resolution vector version of the logo to use in your mock-up so you didn’t have to chop out background garbage out of some low-resolution version of the…