New OK Go Video is again amazing.
OK Go are really, really good at this. Link to share this: https://www.gabrielserafini.com/blog/2010/06/16/new-ok-go-video-is-again-amazing/
Where Nike gets the air for their shoes
This made me laugh. Video not loading? Click here to view it on YouTube. Link to share this: https://www.gabrielserafini.com/blog/2010/04/07/where-nike-gets-the-air-for-their-shoes/
Speaking of wonderful magical Rube Goldberg machines…
Pretty great video by OK GO. Link to share this: https://www.gabrielserafini.com/blog/2010/03/02/speaking-of-wonderful-magical-rube-goldberg-machines/
Brilliant real-world animation
MUTO a wall-painted animation by BLU from blu on Vimeo. Go to blu’s website: http://blublu.org/ (saw it mentioned by Michael Sharon (aka deprimer) on Twitter) Link to share this: https://www.gabrielserafini.com/blog/2008/05/31/brilliant-real-world-animation/
Cool video of Bach’s Toccata and Fugue in D minor
Cool videos of Bach’s Toccata and Fugue in D minor Neat video showing a visual representation of the Bach’s famous organ piece. More versions: Link to share this: https://www.gabrielserafini.com/blog/2008/05/06/cool-video-of-bachs-toccata-and-fugue-in-d-minor/