We gave my grandmother a Ceiva Internet picture receiver frame for Christmas last year. I’ve been stinking at keeping it full of interesting and fresh pics.
So now that I have my shiny new 15″ Powerbook, I really, really would like to have an "Export to Ceiva"
plugin option. Googling it doesn’t seem to turn up any results. So, I may have to see what might be done about it.
Here are some of the iPhoto export plugins that I’ve found so far:
- iPhotoToGallery – export to Gallery (I’ll probably give this one a try, since I do have some Gallery installations…
- iPhoto2Weblog – trys to use XML-RPC to upload photos into your [MT-only?] blog. My WordPress installation didn’t seem to work quite properly.
Please leave a comment if you have any suggested iPhoto plugins that you’d suggest trying… 🙂
Link to share this: https://www.gabrielserafini.com/blog/2004/07/30/iphoto-export-to-ceiva/
9 responses to “iPhoto plugin for export to Ceiva?”
It turns out you can use Ecto to upload images to WordPress, but you need to patch WordPress first, as the support for images is not in there at present. I learned this the hard way…
Install the patch from here http://mycvs.org/archives/2004/06/30/file-upload-to-wordpress-in-ecto/ and then setup WordPress to allow uploads and you should be all set. Let me know how it works out!
Cool, I’ll try that. Thanks for the pointer! 🙂
P.S. Nice site… 😉
almost as easy – ceiva now has a way to email images directly to your frame. login and turn on “Ceiva Mobile” setting – it will assign your receiver an email address. you can then email images to this address from within iphoto. hope this helps. armando
Awesome, cool. Thanks for the info!!! 🙂
Just wondering if anyone could help. I did something stupid and started my blog using a numerical archive system, and now I'd like to change it so that the post title is part of the URL for SEO reasons. Is there any WordPress plugins that anyone knows of that could switch it without sending Googlers to invalid pages? Maybe some sort of redirector to the correct page?
Just wondering if anyone could help. I did something stupid and started my blog using a numerical archive system, and now I'd like to change it so that the post title is part of the URL for SEO reasons. Is there any WordPress plugins that anyone knows of that could switch it without sending Googlers to invalid pages? Maybe some sort of redirector to the correct page?
Just wondering if anyone could help. I did something stupid and started my blog using a numerical archive system, and now I'd like to change it so that the post title is part of the URL for SEO reasons. Is there any WordPress plugins that anyone knows of that could switch it without sending Googlers to invalid pages? Maybe some sort of redirector to the correct page?
CEIVA has released a beta version that works with iPhoto. Makes uploading to my parents and my in-laws super easy.
well i wanted to have this iphoto plugin.