A List Apart: Articles: Conflicting Absolute Positions
Nice article on ALA about how to create a layout using almost pure CSS where there is a fixed-width sidebar and a dynamically resizing right-hand main content area without using Javascript to dynamically resize the page. All right, class. Using CSS, kindly produce a liquid layout that contains a fixed-width, scrolling side panel and a…
Web Devout
Some excellent articles here about good web building practices. Welcome to Web Devout! This site is aimed at promoting the health of the Web by providing web developers and the public with the knowledge and tools needed to help the Web move forward. Check it out: Web Devout Thanks for the pointer, Ben. Link to…
Home – Find Car Wallpapers, Car Desktops and Car Pictures at FastWallpapers.com
Bruce and I just finished getting the template finished for the new FastWallpapers.com site. Check it out: Home – Find Car Wallpapers, Car Desktops and Car Pictures at FastWallpapers.com Link to share this: https://www.gabrielserafini.com/blog/2007/06/07/home-find-car-wallpapers-car-desktops-and-car-pictures-at-fastwallpaperscom/
New site is up for Kristin Joy Pratt-Serafini – Award-winning author and illustrator
I’m happy to announce that Kristin’s new site is now finally live. It’s all converted to a full WordPress site now. Check it out: Kristin Joy Pratt-Serafini – Award-winning author and illustrator Link to share this: https://www.gabrielserafini.com/blog/2007/06/05/new-site-is-up-for-kristin-joy-pratt-serafini-award-winning-author-and-illustrator/
My contribution to the retirement gift for Glen and Judy Felch
My contribution to the retirement gift for Glen and Judy Felch, originally uploaded by gserafini. I had the pleasure of being a student under both Glen and Judy Felch at Principia College during my Studio Art BA program (1994-1998). As part of their retirement, the Art department is organizing a gift, whereby students and alumni…
Orisinal.com – Winterbells [beautiful simple but hard flash game]
Gorgeous flash game with wonderful music and a delightful design. Play it now: Orisinal.com – Winterbells Lots more of these neat gentle and delightful games by Orisinal here. (Discovered it using Stumble Upon) Link to share this: https://www.gabrielserafini.com/blog/2007/03/26/orisinalcom-winterbells-beautiful-simple-but-hard-flash-game/
Interesting post about the value of reducing cognitive load as it relates to designing user interfaces
Three Hypotheses of Human Interface Design (via reddit) Link to share this: https://www.gabrielserafini.com/blog/2007/02/20/interesting-post-about-the-value-of-reducing-cognitive-load-as-it-relates-to-designing-user-interfaces/
Space Invaders pixel art, scarf and moleskine
Space Invaders pixel art, scarf and moleskine, originally uploaded by gserafini. Just created a set of space invader related pictures. See them all here: Space Invaders Link to share this: https://www.gabrielserafini.com/blog/2007/02/10/space-invaders-pixel-art-scarf-and-moleskine/
Interesting video clip by the guy who named WiFi
Neat video. So the guy who came up with WiFi, Expedia, Exterra tells all about the importance of naming. Is a good name a important to success? What about bad names? They highlight the name iPod as a bad name, but the product is so awesome it didn’t matter. I’m about half-way through this video,…
Help digg this submission: 25x nicer way to read digg (aesthetically speaking…)
If you like what I’ve been working on for RSS2.com, feel free to digg this submission and help get it linked on the home page. Let’s see if we can melt the server. 🙂 This new RSS feed aggregator site makes reading sites like digg fast and easy, with no clutter or distractions. There are…