Category: General

  • Tokyoflash watches – pimpin ain’t easy – mmmmmmmm

    Caught whiff of these awesome watches over at Tokyoflash (via Boing Boing). I’m thinking about getting the blue-LED pimpin ain’t easy watch by Pimp. Check it out at Maybe I’ll have this baby around my wrist the next time you see me! 🙂 Link to share this:

  • AGAR – Amazon/Google Ad Replacement + HIPAAClicks HIPAA RSS feeds update

    AGAR – Amazon/Google Ad Replacement Reminder to myself to check this out further and probably add it to my bag of tricks. And in other news, made some additional updates to HIPAA Clicks this evening. Added a help page, tabbed navigation links, and cleaned up the CSS and PHP functions some more. Next up, adding…

  • War is Peace

    Also in recently past events, I finally got around to reading 1984 on my Palm a while ago. I found it to be an excellently cautionary tale of the effects of government and control. WAR IS PEACE FREEDOM IS SLAVERY IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH Read it online: Link to share this:

  • Douglas Adams media archive

    Index of /audio/mp3/Douglas_Adams The Douglas Adams media archive is presented here by the groups for your enjoyment. This allso is to serve as a tribute to Mr. Adams’s great, but suddely shortened career. Those who have not heard his voice and those who know it well will both enjoy having this material available. We…

  • Daily update

    On week 2 of the GlobalStreams employment deal. Done with my bug-fixes for the day, started working some more on the new mini-site for the partner. Using JSP because it’s what we’re using for registration, continually running into instances where I really want the behavior of PHP (like being able to set a variable and…

  • RSS Feed Creators

    Google News RSS Feed based on search term: Yahoo News Search Term RSS Feed: Custom feed creator: Very cool. 🙂 Link to share this:

  • build out

    Finished building out a (much more) functional version of This is a site designed to deliver up-to-the-minute information about HIPAA, and hopefully generate some advertising revenue. – HIPAA News, HIPAA RSS Feeds and Information This is the first of a number of HIPAA related sites that are in the works. Link to share…

  • Lessig weighs in on San Francisco marriages

    This post by Lawrence Lessig addresses the issue of the executive’s responsibility to judge constitutionality in enforcing the law as it relates to the current events in San Francisco, where many gay people are getting married in defiance of state law. Quoting Lessig: Presidents’ Day lesson: the mayor’s duty The Mayor of San Francisco has…

  • Good night

    Time for bed. Gotta wake up nice and early again tomorrow [ed. later this] morning and go to work. Supposed to get the parking pass, also need to finish filling out the forms. Also, bring a cancelled check for the direct deposit. — Gabriel Link to share this:

  • Meeting with Lynne Buckley-Quirk

    I met with Lynne Buckley-Quirk on Saturday afternoon, discussing the current state and future of Christian Science. Our focus was on practitioners blogging and the power of reaching out to the world with this most-current of communication mediums. I continue to be assured that my ideas for developing a targeted set of publishing tools (using…

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