Lessig on Obama
One of the smartest people around, noted Stanford law professor Lawrence Lessig, has put together an outstanding video sharing his reasons for voting for Obama. I highly recommend watching it and thinking about the issues he raises. If you disagree, why? Watch or download the high-quality video here (torrent). Lots of excellent thoughts and comments…
How to sync audio and video for DVD playback using your remote speakers, AirPort Express, Rogue Amoeba’s Airfoil and VLC
I’ve been enjoying using my Apple AirPort Express to stream music from my laptop to our living room speakers using iTunes. The other evening I wanted to watch a DVD and use the good speakers to get the best sound, but you can’t do that without using a helper program. I found a program that…
We’re All Right.
This is lovely. From WereAllRight. Thank you. Link to share this: https://www.gabrielserafini.com/blog/2007/10/29/were-all-right/
The funniest IT Crowd episode yet
The IT Crowd is so awesomely funny. Tonight’s episode is so funny we’re watching it again. Completely hilarious. LOLed for about half the show. You must watch this now. Run don’t walk. Get Miro (used to be called Democracy) – this is an Internet TV player http://getmiro.com Copy this URL: http://tvrss.net/search/index.php?show_name=The+IT+Crowd&show_name_exact=true&mode=rss Open Miro, then click…
Vote for my buttons if you like them (TODAY!) 🙂
Voting is now enabled on the Miro one-click subscribe button design contest. Voting is by leaving comments. Please leave a comment and vote for my buttons if you like them. 🙂 Click here to go view the entries and vote: Design Contest: Judgement Day(s) Thanks! UPDATE: Thanks to everyone who voted for my submissions to…
My submissions to the Miro one-click subscribe button contest
Miro (the open source video player formerly known as Democracy) is running a contest right now to design a revised one-click subscribe button. A Fun Little Design Contest Design up to three buttons and submit them as links in the comments. On August 20th, we’ll create a blog post with all of the submissions. There…
I’m going to Video Games Live show in Louisville, KY tomorrow!
I am totally looking forward to this. For years I have been looking for someone to do this exact show, and now someone has gone and done it. I’m very excited. And it’s scheduled to come to Columbia, MO later this year in October. So I may get to see it twice… w00t. Check it…
Beautiful video of women morphing from one painting to another
Very beautiful: YouTube – Women In Art (Found it on the Kottke feed on RSS2.com) Link to share this: https://www.gabrielserafini.com/blog/2007/06/03/beautiful-video-of-women-morphing-from-one-painting-to-another/
Rocky Anderson Obliterates Sean Hannity at University of Utah Impeachment Debate – Google Video
Rocky Anderson Obliterates Sean Hannity at University of Utah Impeachment Debate – Google Video Link to share this: https://www.gabrielserafini.com/blog/2007/05/06/rocky-anderson-obliterates-sean-hannity-at-university-of-utah-impeachment-debate-google-video/
YouTube – Baby Got Back – Gilbert and Sullivan Style
Just in case you haven’t seen this yet. Brilliant. YouTube – Baby Got Back – Gilbert and Sullivan Style Link to share this: https://www.gabrielserafini.com/blog/2007/04/28/youtube-baby-got-back-gilbert-and-sullivan-style/