YouTube – Cool telephone wire cutting machine robot mounted on a truck
Some video I took of a cool machine mounted on the back of a truck that was hauling 3″ thick old telephone copper wire bundle cable out of the ground and chopping it up into 4′ segments to be hauled away. They were then going to lay fiber optic cable in the hole where they…
Check out the Barak Obama “1984” YouTube ad
An excellently done mashup of the famous Apple 1984 ad featuring Hillary as Big Brother and Barak as the revolution. YouTube – Vote Different Link to share this: https://www.gabrielserafini.com/blog/2007/03/22/check-out-the-barak-obama-1984-youtube-ad/
St. Louis Art Museum pictures and video
Download full-size panorama (4370 x 972 px) I made this video with my new camera (Canon SD800-IS) tonight at the St. Louis Art Museum. There was a show called “Art in Bloom” going on and we went with Kathy for dinner and to see a jazz singer. And here are some of the pictures I…
Video of St. Louis Metrolink underground station at Skinker and Forest Park Parkway
I finally ventured down to explore the new Metrolink train station undeground at the intersection of Skinker and Forest Park Parkway (right near Kayaks and Washington University.) This is some video I took using my Treo 700p. Train arriving: Train departing: You’ll notice in the second video the neat light changing artwork along the walls,…
Quite excellent commentary by Ze Frank on waves
Excellent commentary by the ever awesome Ze Frank on the topic of “Waves”. You have to watch the video to get it. Are you a surfer or a floater or a castle builder? 🙂 Check it out: the show with zefrank Link to share this: https://www.gabrielserafini.com/blog/2007/02/11/quite-excellent-commentary-by-ze-frank-on-waves/
Orange 10mm LED throwie dog leash modification – night light tracer for walking in the park with Kuma
So, I finally got my packages of 300 LEDs (ordered on Ebay from a Chinese manufacturer) and 100 watch batteries for the purpose of experimenting with the concept of the LED throwies today. I made my first one with scotch tape and an orage 10mm LED. It was so exciting when it lit up. Silly,…
Neat beatboxing video
Pretty sweet. Reggie Watts: Out Of Control on Vimeo Link to share this: https://www.gabrielserafini.com/blog/2007/01/30/neat-beatboxing-video/
Interesting video clip by the guy who named WiFi
Neat video. So the guy who came up with WiFi, Expedia, Exterra tells all about the importance of naming. Is a good name a important to success? What about bad names? They highlight the name iPod as a bad name, but the product is so awesome it didn’t matter. I’m about half-way through this video,…
tvRSS – Syndication for your television
Download TV using bittorrent and subscribe to RSS channels of your favorite shows delivered in HDTV: tvRSS – Syndication for your television Link to share this: https://www.gabrielserafini.com/blog/2006/03/20/tvrss-syndication-for-your-television/