Car desktops – Angry looking “naked” car – See the All New KTM X-Bow [pics]
Bruce posted another nice series of cool car pics: “Naked” KTM X-Bow — Half the car, twice the sex apeal. Cool car, hope it doesn’t rain. read more | digg story Link to share this: https://www.gabrielserafini.com/blog/2007/09/17/car-desktops-angry-looking-naked-car-see-the-all-new-ktm-x-bow-pics/
drawball history: one year at 40 hours per second
This is super, super cool. Each second represents 40 hours of collective time drawing on this huge internet graffiti wall. View the history: drawball history: one year at 40 hours per second Draw there yourself: Drawball.com Found it via reddit.com Link to share this: https://www.gabrielserafini.com/blog/2007/08/28/drawball-history-one-year-at-40-hours-per-second/
New Kitchen Countertop
Portrait of Kristin and the Kitchen, originally uploaded by gserafini. Kristin and Kuma posed for this lengthy timed exposure to capture the blue glowing light from the countertop. Illumination was provided by the dining room light (the overhead kitchen lights were off). This lets the river show up properly. See all the kitchen pictures here:…
And now for Bruce’s list of ugly cars
Bruce wrote another article over on FastWallpapers.com about his love of beautiful cars. This time, however, it is a top list of the ugliest cars he could find. Not surprisingly, the Pontiac Aztec leads the list. Poor Aztec, at the top of everyone’s ugly list. Too Ugly To Live: Should these 6 Cars be Banned…
Good article over on Bruce’s FastWallpapers.com site – 6 Sexy Sports Cars Big Oil Doesn’t Want You to Buy
Bruce spent a good amount of time researching the 6 best “green” sports cars. Some awesome pics there, including the Tesla Roadster. These are our favorite “green” sports cars. Some get awesome gas mileage while smoking the competition, and others use advanced bio-fuels to eek out ever higher performance over their gas-guzzling brethren. Big Oil…
I’m going to Video Games Live show in Louisville, KY tomorrow!
I am totally looking forward to this. For years I have been looking for someone to do this exact show, and now someone has gone and done it. I’m very excited. And it’s scheduled to come to Columbia, MO later this year in October. So I may get to see it twice… w00t. Check it…
Car Wallpapers
Bruce’s project is starting to really flesh out nicely. If you’re looking for some sexy exotic car wallpapers, check out FastWallpapers.com. Link to share this: https://www.gabrielserafini.com/blog/2007/07/02/car-wallpapers/
Beautiful video of women morphing from one painting to another
Very beautiful: YouTube – Women In Art (Found it on the Kottke feed on RSS2.com) Link to share this: https://www.gabrielserafini.com/blog/2007/06/03/beautiful-video-of-women-morphing-from-one-painting-to-another/
RallyTrophy – Awesome online rally car game, just like when we were kids (except it’s online)
You get to create your own track, then race your rally track car either against a computer or against a person. Man I wish my brother were here right now. This is fun! 🙂 Check it out: RallyTrophy Found it on StumbleUpon. Link to share this: https://www.gabrielserafini.com/blog/2007/05/11/rallytrophy-awesome-online-rally-car-game-just-like-when-we-were-kids-except-its-online/
Yay, I just got a small Robin Kibby painting! “Highway 880, number 9 – Teeny Oil Painting”
Description oil on canvas by Robin Kibby (c) 2006 4 in. x 4 in. (1.5 in. deep) About the Highway Paintings: This series celebrates my commute to and from the Oakland studio – landscapes created by layers of cement, Oakland shipyard, distant San Francisco, and the Marin Headlands. The highway undersides are from a part…