Gravatar – Globally Recognized Avatar
I saw these on Chris Davis’s site (see example in the comments: New Plugin) and they look pretty cool. Gravatar – Globally Recognized Avatar What is a gravatar? A gravatar, or globally recognized avatar, is quite simply an 80×80 pixel avatar image that follows you from weblog to weblog appearing beside your name when you…
Theme Development – Codex
Theme Development – Codex Introduction The next version of WordPress will have support for user-defined themes built in. Until now, WordPress used index.php and the comment files in conjunction with a CSS stylesheet to control the way it presented the content when published. All other pages, including the category and archive pages, were actually generated…
Blog Torrent – Simplified bittorrent by Downhill Battle
Blog Torrent – Simplified bittorrent by Downhill Battle What is Blog Torrent? Blog Torrent is software that makes it much easier to share and download files using the bittorrent protocol. Blog Torrent is easy to install on your website: we don’t use MySQL so installation is as easy as uploading a folder to your web…
Podcast logo by Tim
Dawn and Drew had a link to Tim in Australia who made some rather lovely Podcast logos for everyone to use. That they’re using. Tim’s also got a pretty nice WordPress site. Sweet. 🙂 Tim Madden – Web Designer – Brisbane Australia Podcasting Logo I have created a couple of concept logos for anyone with…
Teenagers from Norway are blogging using WordPress
Teenagers from Norway are blogging using WordPress. Great creativity, and I guess teens will be teens, just now they can be PHP-slinging teens who can publish to the world. eek. 🙂 The name is Christine, but she usually goes under the nickname Cine. She is a 14 years old girl who was born the 19th…
STL WordPress Meetup IS ON!
Hey STL-located WordPress-interested person: Come to the first official STL meetup (or at least the first one that I’m going to, and now that I’m king-overlord-master-organizer of the group (elected by myself)) we’re going to party at Coffee Cartel. Because it’s open 24 hours. And we all have other things to do during the daylight…
WordPress 1.3 Cleanup
I know that Matt is familiar with Joel’s thoughts about code refactoring. The link below is to one of Joel’s articles about how Netscape blew years when they decided to rewrite their codebase from scratch. The WordPress team is taking exactly the right approach — make incremental fixes that don’t break past investments by users…
WordPress 1.3-alpha-2!!!
Also, noticed that the link to the latest stable build on the WordPress site is WordPress 1.3-alpha-2, which is looking just AWESOME! Great job, everyone. I love it. Will be upgrading again, looking forward to it. (First used on the new Spunko site.) Link to share this: https://www.gabrielserafini.com/blog/2004/10/01/wordpress-13-alpha-2/
HIPAA Blog new CSS
HIPAA Blog Got the new CSS in for HIPAABlog.com. Check it out. 🙂 Next need to add the navigation links. Link to share this: https://www.gabrielserafini.com/blog/2004/09/17/hipaa-blog-new-css/
iPAP 0.7 [rebelpixel productions]
I may be giving this a try in a day or two since Gallery seems to be crapping out on the various sites I have it on…. iPAP 0.7 [rebelpixel productions] iPAP 0.7 The first public release of iPAP: Photo Album Publisher (formerly known as SPAM: Simple Photo Album Manager) is now ready for download.…