WordPress meetup in SF
I may actually be able to go to this, which would be awesome. http://wordpress.meetup.com/ Link to share this: https://www.gabrielserafini.com/blog/2004/06/24/wordpress-meetup-in-sf/
Updated to WordPress 1.2 – Mingus
Just finished updating to WordPress 1.2 – Mingus this evening. Went smoothly. I created a new .css file for the site. I really like the new admin layout and options. Plugins? Oh yes! Very nice. Time for bed. 🙂 Link to share this: https://www.gabrielserafini.com/blog/2004/05/28/updated-to-wordpress-12-mingus/
alexking.org: Software > WordPress/b2 Hacks
Just installed and I love it!!! Check it out by clicking different styles at the bottom of the Admin menu on the sidebar. Just shows how powerful the whole CSS concept really is. Nice semantic XHTML markup with different stylesheets applied. Nice. alexking.org: Software > WordPress/b2 Hacks WP Style Switcher This hack allows your visitors…
WahWah – WordPress hacks collection …
Bears some further investigation. http://weblogtoolscollection.com/ Link to share this: https://www.gabrielserafini.com/blog/2004/03/15/wahwah-wordpress-hacks-collection/
Donated to WordPress the other day…
I donated $40.00 to Matt, [one of] the lead developers of WordPress the other day. I saw the Paypal donate button, and had no hesitation in clicking it. It is an excellent piece of GPL software that I am all for supporting. So the other day I put my money where my thoughts were. 🙂…
Testing out phpGiggle
Testing out phpGiggle — a php application that automatically adds links to text based on definitions. So this should generate links: my siblings: Andy, Rachel, Naomi. Thoughts: I’d like a feature where you can only link the first instance on a page, instead of every instance. I’m thinking if I can adapt this script (it…
WordPress Style Sheet CSS Comptition Closed
The winners have been announced. I particularly liked the Mars-Spirit theme. 🙂 All styles: http://www.alexking.org/index.php?content=software/wordpress/styles.php It will be exciting to see some of these hopefully be included in a default install of WordPress. Link to share this: https://www.gabrielserafini.com/blog/2004/02/10/wordpress-style-sheet-css-comptition-closed/
More updates to the WordPress installation
Working on the template for the blog some more. New background, removed the calendar on the side menu for now, rearranged the links, added the footer <div>, etc… Link to share this: https://www.gabrielserafini.com/blog/2004/02/10/more-updates-to-the-wordpress-installation/
Cross-platform WordPress CSS
I’ll probably try to still work on the template so that it does work for IE some more and try to submit it for the WordPress CSS competition. Update: Didn’t submit the CSS. Missed the deadline. Oh well, never got around to doing the PC-IE compatible transparent backgrounds. I may still submit if we begin…
Changed background for the skin
Changed the background for the skin to another picture. So far I’m liking the big background pic w/ the text on top and translucent pngs. It would be cool to integrate a Gallery function to auto select a picture and “set as background” for the blog. Shouldn’t be too hard to implement. Link to share…