Month: April 2006

  • How to activate the $Id:$ keyword on files in an existing Subversion repository

    This is a quick update to my earlier post about using svn keywords: If you have a Subversion repository already full of files, and you want to activate the $Id:$ keyword on all of them so it expands out to something like: $Id: index.php 783 2006-04-27 06:05:24Z gserafini $ whenever you check in the file,…

  • Nerdcore Compilation CD

    You can never have too much nerdcore. Looking forward to this new compilation album. Banding together from around the globe, the most talented Nerdcore hip-hop artists who weren’t too big, busy or full of themselves are contributing tracks for this monumental event in the making. More artists are signing on daily. Nerdcore Compilation CD (Via…

  • Japanese Marble Machines

    Really neat marble machines advertising some Japanese company or something. Super cool… 🙂 When I was a kid and my dad worked at a cabinet shop for a while, they had marble machine competitions. There were some really really neat marble machines, and this video shows some other ones. Check it out. Incredible Machines –…

  • OMG PONIES!!! – Neato kitten capcha that is just too cute.

    KittenAuth Test KittenAuth is a new system for human-checking that forgoes all the useless random string crap that people cannot read, and replaces the whole lot with pictures of cute animals. The current 9*9 design displays 9 pictures and requires that the user clicks 3 pictures of kittens. The location of the kittens in the…

  • JTF: Javascript unit Testing Farm

    Here’s a neat idea – you can unit test your Javascript code on this site. Now it’s kind also a clever way for them to build a repository of Javascript code that can be commented on and rated. Introduction Javascript is present on almost every web page on the internet today, but many of these…

  • Cleaning out WPMU Splogger spammers like the friendly folk and

    The friendly folk who own the and domains are spammers who’ve been registering on one of my WordPress Multi-User installations and creating automated splogs (spam blogs). I just deleted over 300 of their sites. They are like kudzu. Things that might help if your site is getting spammed by someone like this: Block…

  • I just got a new server… I just got a new server…

    Yay, I just ordered a new Dell server. It was very satisfying, especially getting the RAID-1 with dual 160GB SATA drives. I’ve always wanted that type of setup, seemed like it always cost about $2,000 at least. Fun times we live in that you can now get that sweet rig for only $670 total. Yay!…

  • Gabriel’s Photoshop Actions

    These are the Photoshop actions that I like to use that I’ve built over the years to automate constantly repetitive actions in Photoshop. Download actions: Gabriel’s Photoshop Actions Enjoy! Link to share this:

  • DSC_0275

    DSC_0275, originally uploaded by gserafini. Pictures are up on the Flickr photostream of our trip to Fairbanks to visit Michael. This is one of my favorites from the trip. Link to share this:

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