Abandonia.com – Home of abandonware DOS games
Really cool abandoned DOS games that you can download for free. Abandonia.com – Home of abandonware DOS games Not that I have any time to be playing games right now. doh. (via Metafilter) Link to share this: https://www.gabrielserafini.com/blog/2004/11/30/abandoniacom-home-of-abandonware-dos-games/
Gmail – Fwd: Fwd: What’s the difference?
This is very tricky. My brother showed it to me over Thanksgiving weekend. See if you can spot the differences in the two pictures. http://members.home.nl/saen/Special/Zoeken.swf Link to share this: https://www.gabrielserafini.com/blog/2004/11/29/gmail-fwd-fwd-whats-the-difference/
Authorama – Public Domain Books
Authorama – Public Domain Books Authorama Public Domain Books Welcome to Authorama.com, featuring completely free books from a variety of different authors, collected here for you to read online or offline. The books may have been published before, but not in this form, which I hope you find enjoyable to read and print. This site…
The Grey Video
The Grey Video Awesome. Awesome. Awesome. (Via Waxy) Link to share this: https://www.gabrielserafini.com/blog/2004/11/16/the-grey-video/
I heart Ugly Dolls (Wedgehead)
So I got a new friend at Star Clipper today (on sale!!!), an Ugly Doll named Wedgehead. It is the best. It makes me want to have kids so that I can get them dolls like this. It was love at first sight. 🙂 Review: I give my Ugly Doll ***** (5 stars). It is…
Star Clipper Comics Sale this weekend in the Loop in St. Louis
SALE*SALE*SALE SAT 11/13 AND SUN 11/14 This weekend is your last chance to be naughty before the holidays at Star Clipper! We’ll have extended hours from 11 AM to Midnight on Saturday and 11 AM to 7 PM on Sunday. Don’t miss out on spectacular savings: 25%-50% off all in-stock graphic novels; all t-shirts, toys,…
Crap I Drew on My Lunch Break
Crap I Drew on My Lunch Break A sort-of biographical comic about my life, the people I know, the politics, celebrities and pop culture that make me want to yank my hair out, and other assorted things and subjects that annoy or amuse me enough to draw about them. It’s quite delightfully uncomplicated, and simply…
milk and cereal: asian version
The Internets are fun. Thanks Chris. milk and cereal: asian version milk and cereal: asian version who are we? just two freshman guys at uc berkeley. ehrman3 (props to vt’s finest and g love) kindly hosted by the good people at buzzmoo and jengajam. Link to share this: https://www.gabrielserafini.com/blog/2004/11/09/milk-and-cereal-asian-version/
The World Through My Eyes – Introduction
I went to school with Blake, the project leader for this… Pretty cool. My sister Rachel pointed me to this site. The World Through My Eyes – Introduction A photography project for young Mozambicans, with the hope of bringing them brighter tomorrows . . . The World Through My Eyes helps Mozambican children learn about and experiment with…
WeFunk – Radio for your mind
Xeni likes WeFunk – Radio for your mind Shoutcast Your mp3 program should start playing the WeFunk shoutcast in a moment. If nothing happens, try clicking ‘LISTEN’. LISTEN You could also try pasting this URL into your mp3 player or media player program: http://www.wefunkradio.com/play/shoutcast.pls If you have problems see our listening tips below. Not bad,…